Dating IRL

Our Dating IRL services focus on meeting people In Real Life. These services can function as a natural follow-up to Dating App services, or as the first service for individuals who prefer to meet people “off-line.” These services rely heavily on coaching—learning how to put your best foot forward, be more confident putting yourself out there, approach someone at a bar and strike up a successful conversation, or discover what has gotten in the way of dating or meeting the “right” people in the past.

We’re there for you every step of the way, whether that means helping you pick an outfit or restaurant for your first date; helping you manage “defining the relationship;” navigating commitment issues; or even going out with you on a Friday night to offer real-time support, feedback, and ease social tensions as you seek to meet someone at a bar or social event.

Through weekly coaching calls, we’ll also debrief and monitor how things have been going with dates or “putting yourself out there” while proactively addressing barriers, troubleshooting, and setting new goals. Much like Dating App services, Dating IRL services are for anyone looking to make more successful connections in person with others, whether you’re looking for a short-term or long-term relationship or prefer “fewer strings attached.”

I felt stuck after my last relationship ended and was having trouble building the confidence to meet new people. After some coaching, Aaron planned a Saturday night out for us where he helped me prepare to meet new people. We practiced approaching others and striking up a conversation that felt natural. I felt much more comfortable and supported with Aaron there, and he truly is a great wingman.

(And I even got a number from a firefighter.)

-Jamie, 36